Services Directory

Search our services and tools below.


Archives Research

As a center for research and creativity, the University Archives promote translational and innovative uses of primary sources.



BrowZine displays recent issues of scholarly journals on your computer or mobile device for easy browsing. It brings journal content together from multiple publishers and platforms into a single interface.


Course Reserves

Course Reserves are course-related items made available at the request of instructors. Course reserves are available online (as an e-book) 24/7 or as a physical copy held at the circulation desk for short-term use by students.


Digital Humanities

The Libraries is dedicated to advancing research and teaching involving humanities data sources in digital humanities and humanities analytics.


One of the largest linked research knowledge databases bringing together information on publications, grants, patents, clinical trials, policy documents and datasets into a single place for improved global discovery and analysis.



If your materials are unavailable from the CMU Libraries, you may be able to borrow them from another library using EZBorrow, a consortium of 60+ academic libraries.


Google Scholar

Want to get more out of something you already use? Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.



If your books, articles, theses, or other materials are unavailable at CMU, you may be able to borrow them from another library using ILLiad.   Getting Started  


Journals & Newspapers

The Journal and Newspaper Search in the catalog will tell you if we have print and/or online subscriptions for a



Keenious is a powerful recommender tool that leverages search algorithms and AI to analyze text to recommend relevant research articles and topics to enhance the research process and aid in serendipitous discovery.


My Account

When you sign in to your account with your Andrew ID, you can: view account and renew items, place holds and book technology and equipment, view full search results (some databases only show results when you're signed in), export to citation managers, and create favorites lists.


Open Access

Providing open access to research and scholarship has become a worldwide movement serving the mission of higher education. As a world-leading research institution, Carnegie Mellon is a major creator and consumer of scholarly materials, and sees open access as strategically important.

Open Access Agreements

The term open access (OA) describes the practice of making scholarly research outputs freely accessible online and easily discoverable in an Internet search.


Requesting from Other Libraries

If your materials are unavailable at CMU, you may be able to borrow them from another library using Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad or E-Z Borrow services). Request books only from participating libraries. Follow the links below for step-by-step instructions on how to use each service.


Text & Data Mining

Text and data mining (TDM) are becoming increasingly popular ways to conduct research.