Carnegie Mellon University Libraries are a hub for learning, sharing and the discovery of new ideas. Read about that work in action. Exhibits Publications & Newsletters Events Stay in the know Sign up for email updates for the University Libraries Enter your email address SEARCH March 24, 2021 Exhibition National Parks Photography throughout the years in the national parks. March 19, 2021 News Celebrating Animal Crossing: New Horizon's 1 Year Anniversary! Hey, folks! For fans of the Animal Crossing games, tomorrow is an exciting, momentus day. On March 20th, 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released and gained millions of players across the world during its first year. March 18, 2021 News Exhibit: Cipher Discs - Renaissance Encryption Machines Cipher discs are paper encryting machines made up of two or more rotating dials (called volvelles) embellished with alphabets, numbers, or other symbols. The central volvelle, called the 'index', revolves to encode or decode a message. March 18, 2021 News Mesco Finds It All in the Archives Ann Marie Mesco taught herself hypertext markup language in the 1990s while managing a culinary school's library. Ever since coding that first website, she has built a career around guiding libraries into a digital future. March 11, 2021 News Preserving the Legacy of CS at CMU The image from the videotape is blurry, deteriorated from the passage of time, but the professor is razor-sharp as he talks about the future. Herb Simon stands in front of a class at Carnegie Mellon University, musing about the difference between artificial and natural intelligence. March 11, 2021 News Reader Finds Tales and a Tail in Library Book Readers expect to find tales, not tails, in books. This story is about the latter. A Carnegie Mellon University Libraries patron discovered a bagged, flattened snake in a copy of Brenda Shaughnessy's "The Octopus Museum." Samuel L. Jackson would not be pleased. March 11, 2021 News Upcoming Event: Inside CMU Libraries' Special Collections Fine & Rare: Inside CMU Libraries' Special CollectionsWednesday, April 281-2 p.m. ETVirtual Program March 11, 2021 News MFA Class of 2021 Group Portrait in Mellon Library How do you shoot a group portrait during a global pandemic? With a little social distancing, a lot of technology, and a cameo appearance from the Mellon Institute Library. March 1, 2021 News Big Data Accelerates Biodiversity Research As the planet continues to warm and humans encroach on more wilderness areas, scientists warn of the unfolding sixth mass extinction on the planet. March 1, 2021 News Open Access Publishing with Cambridge University Press Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Cambridge University Press have entered into a three-year read and publish agreement that allows researchers to publish in Cambridge's suite of journals without incurring article processing charges (APC) Load More