Carnegie Mellon University Libraries are a hub for learning, sharing and the discovery of new ideas. Read about that work in action. Exhibits Publications & Newsletters Events Stay in the know Sign up for email updates for the University Libraries Enter your email address SEARCH April 12, 2021 News Upcoming Event: Hackathon 2021! The University Libraries is partnering with DNAnexus and the OpenCravatGroup at Johns Hopkins University to host a virtual hackathon titled "Clinical Reporting of MultiOmics Data!" on June 1-4, 2021. April 6, 2021 News A Conversation with: Hannah Gunderman What is Inclusive RDM? April 2, 2021 News Browser Extensions for One-Click Access Spend less time navigating paywalls and logins. April 1, 2021 News April 2021: National Poetry Month This April marks the 25th anniversary of National Poetry Month, and we’re celebrating our favorite poets and poetry in this month’s virtual book display. April 1, 2021 News April 2021 This monthly installment features information on the MIT Press Open Architecture and Urban Studies Collection, access details to recent ALA CopyTalk and NISO webinars, information on the Open Access Agreement between the University of California and Elsevier, upcoming CMU Scholarly Commun March 30, 2021 News Cabinets of Curiosity —A Virtual Exhibit Since the closure of libraries at the start of the pandemic, librarians have found themselves physically separated from their institutional collections for many months, a year, or even longer. March 27, 2021 News A Year of Teaching Data Skills with Animal Crossing On March 20th, 2020, "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" was released, gaining millions of players across the world in its first year. March 27, 2021 News Expansion in a Time of Restriction: Pivoting the Digitization Lab During the Pandemic In August of 2019, the Libraries' Digitization Lab celebrated twenty-five years of operations. To mark this occasion, we wrote a blog post about the lab's history, highlighting a selection of our current and future projects. March 26, 2021 News Additions to Carnegie Mellon Action Project (CMAP) Records Now Accessible The University Archives is excited to announce that a sizeable addition to the Carnegie Mellon Action Project (CMAP) Records is now open to research by faculty, students, alumni,and the public. March 25, 2021 News Enjoy Free Access to The New York Times The Libraries is pleased to announce that New York Times digital access is now available for the entire CMU Pittsburgh campus! Load More