CMU Libraries is launching a trial of Redivis, a dynamic data collaboration platform built on the open-science toolkit. CMU researchers may upload datasets (up to 1TB each for free) to the Redivis platform, share datasets with collaborators, and analyze and visualize their data in real-time. While programming skills are not required to utilize the Redivis platform, Python, R, and Stata users can benefit from the integration of “notebook nodes'' within Redivis projects. Redivis notebooks, built on top of Jupyter notebooks, offer integrated environments for querying, connecting, and manipulating data tables, as well as for analyzing and visualizing your data.
As a Redivis user, you will control access permissions to your data, while also having access to data usage tracking. Thus, Redivis is an appropriate platform for depositing and working with public, internal, confidential, and restricted data (for use with restricted data, please verify IRB compliance for your project prior to uploading/working with data in Redivis). Similarly, Redivis allows users to document data processing methodologies, thus enhancing the reproducibility of your work. In addition to fostering collaboration, these features provide a transparent and accountable framework for data sharing and collaboration.
To benefit from our Redivis trial, sign up for a Redivis account using your CMU email address. CMU Libraries is committed to providing Redivis access through August 2025, during which time we will assess campus interest and consider a continued commitment. Your feedback during our trial is encouraged and welcomed! In the event that our commitment is not extended beyond August 2025, CMU users will have the option to migrate their data or purchase an individual subscription (accounts needing less than 10GB of storage are currently free on the Redivis platform).
You can find more information about Redivis on our website. If you have any questions or would like a demo, please contact Melanie Gainey (mgainey@andrew.cmu.edu) or Kristen Scotti (kscotti@andrew.cmu.edu).
Feature image by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash