by Sarah Bender, Communications Coordinator
The University Libraries is so much more than a place to check out books and study. From technology lending to a wide variety of workshops to departmental librarians with extensive knowledge of disciplinary information, students, faculty, and staff have access to countless resources and experts that can take their academic experience to the next level.
Below are some new and updated offerings that the CMU community is encouraged to take advantage of this spring.
Phone Booths
Located on the first floor of Hunt Library near De Fer Coffee and Tea, new phone booths offer a quiet space to have private phone or zoom calls or think out loud. Designed by flexible workplace architecture company Room, these 41 by 43-inch booths feature 30 decibels of noise reduction, thorough ventilation that renews fresh air every 60 seconds, two power outlets, and a built-in desk and magnetic board.
Each phone booth incorporates 1,088 recycled plastic bottles into its sound-insulating walls, making them environmentally friendly as well as space-efficient. They aren’t reservable, so users are asked to be courteous to others and limit their time in the space.
The University Archives Hallway
Stepping off the elevator onto the second floor of Hunt Library, you might notice a change in the hallway leading to the University Archives. Associate Director of Creative Heidi Wiren Kebe has brought to life an immersive experience complete with vintage candids, yearbook photos, historic posters, and other designs. New digital screens showcase vibrant moments from CMU’s past, including clips of historical robots in action and scenes from Shakespeare performances put on by the School of Drama over the years.
“The hallway is an opportunity for us to show not only the diversity of our collections, but the diversity of the CMU community and experience,” said Associate Dean for Distinguished Collections Julia Corrin. “We want students to know that they're welcome in the Archives — to use our collections, to ask questions, and to share their experiences with us!”
Through the doors at the end of the hallway, the Archives also offers additional opportunities to engage with the collections. The CMU community is welcome to visit during drop-in hours on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. during the semester. Check the calendar for additional events later in the spring.
New Data and News Resources
Data Axle Historical Data Sets — Data Axle is a data analytics marketing firm that provides marketing data on millions of businesses and consumers.CMU Libraries houses and facilitates access to two forms of Data Axle historical data: Historic Business Data, which includes address-level data on US businesses and other organizations, and Residential Historical Data, which consists of geo-referenced data on millions of households and basic consumer profiles.
FT.com (Financial Times) — FT.com is a British daily business newspaper that focuses on business and economic current affairs from around the world. It shares insights on financial news, tech news, market analysis, and more. To access, create an FT.com account using your CMU email address. Once your account is created, you can also access using the FT app.
Replica — Replica provides data about the built environment and how people interact with it. Their datasets deliver a holistic, up-to-date picture of mobility, people, land use, and economic activity.
Nielsen & Nielsen IQ Datasets — The Libraries subscribes to the NielsenIQ Consumer Panel and Retail Scanner Data and Nielsen Ad Intel Data via the Kilts Center at Chicago Booth. The data include Consumer Panel Data, PanelView Surveys, Retail Scanner Data and Ad Intel Data. Please note that access to these datasets is restricted to tenure track faculty and PhD students for research purposes only. Visit the research guide to learn more about accessing and using these datasets.
Technology Offerings
In case you missed it last semester, the Libraries now offers 22 portable battery packs that can be used to charge devices in Hunt Library when no outlets are available. They can be checked out from the circulation desk or borrowed from self-service stations on the third floor of the library.
Both types of battery packs are available on a first come, first served basis and can be used anywhere in Hunt Library. Batteries low on power can be returned to their charging station. Students should also return the batteries when finished using them so others can utilize them. In addition to the new battery packs, there are also four new computers set up for public use. There are two Dell OptiPlex All-in-One computers and two iMac All-in-One computers on the third and fourth floors of the library.