Students working in Hunt Library will now have access to portable battery packs that can be used to charge their devices when no outlets are available. Starting October 31, the 22 new battery packs can be checked out from the circulation desk or borrowed from self-service stations on the third floor of the library.
The 10 Omnicharge portable chargers at the circulation desk have a standard AC outlet, two USB-A charging ports, and a USB-C port. These also include wireless charging for phones. You will be required to have an Andrew ID to check them out, and must return them within eight hours, or when you are finished using them. Standard overdue fines and fees apply for items not returned on time.
The remaining 12 devices are KwikBoost Portable Power Stations and feature a standard AC outlet, a USB-A charging port, and a USB-C port. A fully-charged power station can charge a laptop up to two times, a Chromebook or tablet up to four times, and a smartphone up to 14 times. It can also charge a laptop and two mobile devices simultaneously. These units will be available on the third floor of Hunt Library at self-serve stations.
Both types of battery packs are available on a first come, first served basis and can be used anywhere in Hunt Library. Batteries low on power can be returned to their charging station. Students should also return the batteries when finished using them so others can utilize them.
In addition to the new battery packs, visitors to Hunt will notice that four new computers have been set up for public use. There are two Dell OptiPlex All-in-One computers and two iMac All-in-One computers on the third and fourth floors of the library.
For other technology needs, explore a growing technology collection of devices that are available to borrow, including iPads, calculators, charging cables, headphones, portable DVD drives, music foot pedals, and more.

by Sarah Bender, Communications Coordinator