Meet the Spring 2023 Sustainability Interns

Alex Hiniker

The Sustainability Initiative, which recently found a home in the University Libraries, recruited three interns this semester to lend expertise in data analytics, programming, and communications. Please join us in welcoming Ishwrya Achuthan Geetha, Camden Johnson, and Aleena Siddiqui to the Sustainability Initiative team.

Ishwrya Achuthan GeethaIshwrya, who is studying civil and environmental engineering in the College of Engineering, is the new data analytics intern. From Tamil Nadu, India, her role is to create Tableau visualizations based on education, research, and practices at CMU, refining it to the 17 Global Goals. She is most excited about working with people of similar interests and promoting sustainable practices on campus.

"Sustainability is about creating inclusive space, physically and mentally, that's equitable. It is important because it promotes social justice, ensures economic viability, and protects the environment for current and future generations."

Camden JohnsonCamden is a chemistry major in the Mellon College of Science, and is the thematic programming intern. From Belmont, Massachusetts, his role is to develop programming that supports productive and interdisciplinary conversations, which will direct the community's work and culture towards sustainable development. He is looking forward to the opportunity to build the relationship between the existing network of people working towards sustainability and the Sustainability Initiative. He believes that closer cross-campus relationships will create exciting new opportunities for collaboration.

"Sustainability is important because it frames human actions and responsibilities to ourselves and the planet in a way that ensures that future generations will maintain quality of life. It's a tool that helps us make decisions in a way that merges ethics and science. These kinds of conversations that unpack these complexities are the most exciting to me."

Aleena SiddiquiAleena, who is also a student in the College of Engineering, is the new communications and outreach intern. From Grosse Point, Michigan, her role is to increase awareness and engagement between the campus community and sustainability on campus. She is looking forward to increasing access to resources, and overall education, on sustainability-focused topics to promote awareness among her peers and younger generations. She believes that engaging in sustainable practices is the best way to preserve what we’ve been given and support future development while increasing our own quality of life.

"To me, sustainability means finding new and innovative ways to meet the needs of society without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Whether it be through preserving resources, reducing waste, or promoting equitable social development, I believe it is our responsibility to correct growing sustainability concerns."

by Sarah Bender, Communications Coordinator. Feature image of Director of Sustainability Initiative, Alexandra Hiniker in the Sustainability Studio.