This monthly installment features information on the SCOAP3 first Open Access books, the July/August issue of the Clarke & Esposito Brief, Information on recording and forthcoming NISO Webinars, registration information for upcoming CMU Scholarly Communications workshops, and the lists of the latest publications supported by the CMU Open Access Agreements and the CMU APC Fund.
Scholarly Communication in the News
The SCOAP3 for Books Collection Publishes First Set of OA Books
Recently announced by the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3), the first series of open access books in particle physics financially supported by the SCOAP3 Books Initiative have now been published and made publicly available. The SCOAP3 for Books collection consists of key textbooks and monographs in particle physics and neighboring fields which have been converted to Open Access through partnership with leading scientific publishers. SCOAP3 is funded through the generous support of its 200 institutional member consortium. Visit the following page for more information about the collection and SCOAP3 for Books Initiative.
July/August Issue of The Brief Now Available
The July/August issues of the Clarke & Esposito Brief (#36: The Subscriptionization of Everything) is now available. This monthly newsletter covers a range of topics and news within publishing and scholarly communication. Topics covered in this month’s include:
- Pearson joined the “Subscriptionization of Everything” movement with the launch of their new textbook service, Pearson+, a mobile-first platform providing textbooks with advanced features and functionality at a monthly subscription cost.
- The recent announcement of the UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) new open access policy, which will go into effect in April 2022.
- PeerJ’s recent announcement to move away from its “sound science” publication review process to a more traditional editorial review approach.
Subscribe to The Brief. Additionally, The Brief can now be found as a Twitter Feed, the Briefer Yet.
Unpacking The Altmetric Black Box
In March of 2021, Altmetric changed the way in which the Almetric attention score was calculated by reducing the weight of Twitter mentions by 75%. In a recent post on the Scholarly Kitchen, publishing consultant Phil Davis discussed the unpacking of the changes to the attention score, and whether the nature and questions of Altmetric data are valid, relabile, and reproducible. Davis presented data and examples on the Altmetric score, and ends the article with a call for Altmetric to adopt a fully-transparent evaluation model where users can reproduce the scores based upon the publicly available data.
September NISO Webinar: Data: Creation, Stewardship, Use
NISO will be hosting a free webinar for NISO members on Wednesday, September 8, 2021. This webinar, entitled, “Data: Creation, Stewardship, Use,” will assess the data needs of researchers and the response from the information community, from a variety of perspectives. More information about the webinar can be found through the NISO portal. This webinar is being recorded, and the information to access the recording will be made available in the next issue of SCONE.
Scholarly Communication at CMU
Recording of the ACRL ULS PDC: Considering Data Literacy Using Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process
On August 16, 2021 The Professional Development Committee ACRL’s University Libraries Section hosted a webinar entitled, “Considering Data Literacy Using Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process: Implications for Librarians and Data Providers,” with speakers Charissa Jefferson, Kristin Fontichiaro, Katrina Stierholz, and Lynette Hoelter. The recording of the webinar is now available. The slides and evaluation form are also available.
NISO Webinar Archived Recording: Audits and Assessment
The archived recording of the NISO webinar, “Audits and Assessment,” is now available. The details to access the webinar’s recording are below:
- Meeting Recording
- Access Password: #Aug11-Rndtbl
Please note that the above password is case-sensitive and includes all special characters.
Reminder: Please note that although NISO does maintain storage space on Zoom for archived recordings of events in the current and previous calendar year, we strongly encourage you to download archived event recordings to your own local storage space to ensure that you can continue to access them
You can also still complete the attendee survey once you have watched the recording here.
Fall 2021 Scholarly Communication Workshops
The University Libraries will be hosting a number of workshops focused on Scholarly Communications during the Fall of 2021. These workshops are offered each semester on a variety of topics, and are designed to help attendees learn new skills, deepen their understanding of specific topics, and gain exposure to a variety of technologies, tools, or techniques.
All workshops are available at no charge and are open to Carnegie Mellon University students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. Workshops will be delivered virtually, via a Zoom link emailed to participants before the session. Seating is limited and registration is required for all workshops.
- Lessons and Resources to Better Understand Copyright and Preventing Plagiarism
Thursday, October 21, 2021, 2:00pm - 3:00pm - Getting Started with the KiltHub Repository
Monday, October 25, 2021, 10:00am - 11:00am - Making your Research and Scholarship Open and FAIR: Open Access and Research Data Management Services at CMU
Thursday, October 28, 2021, 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Publishing Openly: Understanding the CMU Publishing Agreements and Applying for Funding to the CMU Article Processing Charge Fund
Thursday, October 28, 2021, 2:00pm - 3:00pm - Being Recognized: Managing your Author Identity and Improving your Research Communication Skill
Monday, November 1, 2021, 10:00am - 11:00am - Depositing your Thesis or Dissertation: Publishing Your Work and Understanding the CMU Submission Procession
Thursday, November 4, 2021, 2:00pm - 3:00pm - Using Overleaf at CMU: The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor
Thursday, November 11, 2021, 2:00pm - 3:00pm - An Introduction to Symplectic Elements at CMU
Monday, November 15, 2021, 9:00am - 10:00am
Open Access Updates
August CMU APC Fund Publications
The following articles were published with funding by the CMU APC Fund in August:
- *Edda L. Fields-Black, Faculty, History, “Mapping antebellum rice fields as a basis for understanding human and ecological consequences of the era of slavery,” Land.
- *Adam Feinberg, Faculty, Biomedical Engineering, “Engineering Aligned Human Cardiac Muscle Using Developmentally Inspired Fibronectin Micropatterns,” Scientific Reports.
- *Eric Yttri, Faculty, Biological Sciences, “B-SOiD, an open-source unsupervised algorithm for identification and fast prediction of behaviors,” Nature Communications.
- *Charles Ettensohn, Faculty, Biological Sciences, “A Nomenclature for Echinoderm Genes,” Databases.
- *Sarah Young, Faculty, University Libraries, “Collaboration on evidence synthesis in Africa: a network study of growing research capacity,” Health Research Policy and Systems.
- Elizabeth Dickey, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, “Theory and application of the vector pair correlation function for real-space crystallographic analysis of order/disorder correlations from STEM images,” APL Materials.
Summary of all articles funded in FY ’21-’22.
*Indicates financial support for this APC provided by The Roger Sorrells Endowed Fund for the Engineering and Science Library, established by Dr. Gloriana St. Clair, dean emeritus of Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, in honor of her longtime life partner.
August Elsevier Agreement Publications
The following articles were published through the CMU-Elsevier Agreement in August:
- Shawn Litster, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, “Non-planar platinum group metal-free fuel cell cathodes for enhanced oxygen transport and water rejection,” Journal of Power Sources.
- Tesca Fitzgerald, Post Doc, Robotics Institute, “Abstraction in Data-Sparse Task Transfer,” Artificial Intelligence.
- R. Subramanian, Staff, Mechanical Engineering, “From low-cost sensors to high-quality data: A summary of challenges and best practices for effectively calibrating low-cost particulate matter mass sensors,” Journal of Aerosol Science.
- Nikki Lobczowski, Post Doc, Simon Initiative, “Socially shared metacognition in a project-based learning environment: A comparative case study,” Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction.
- Tomasz Tkocz, Faculty, Mathematical Sciences, “From Ball's cube slicing inequality to Khinchin-type inequalities for negative moments,” Journal of Functional Analysis.
- Carmel Majidi, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, “Modeling Electromechanical Coupling of Liquid Metal Embedded Elastomers while accounting Stochasticity in 3D Percolation,” Extreme Mechanics Letters.
- Pingbo Tang, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, “Pose guided anchoring for detecting proper use of personal protective equipment,” Automation in Construction.
- Michael Bockstaller, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, “Degradable GO-Nanocomposite hydrogels with synergistic photothermal and antibacterial response,” Polymer.
- Dong Zhang, Post Doc, Mechanical Engineering, “Battery Internal Temperature Estimation via a Semilinear Thermal PDE Model,” Automatics.
Summary of all Elsevier agreement articles supported in FY ’21-’22.
July ACM Agreement Publications
There were no ACM Agreement Publications to report during the month of August.
Summary of all ACM agreement articles supported in FY ’21-’22.
July PLoS Agreement Publications
The following articles were published under the CMU-PLOS agreement during the month of August:
- Joel McManus, Faculty, Biological Sciences, “Quantitative mapping of mRNA 3’ ends in Pseudomonas aeruginosa reveals a pervasive role for premature 3’ end formation in response to azithromycin,” PLoS Genetics.
Summary of all PLoS agreement articles supported in FY ’21-’22.
June Cambridge University Press Publications
The following articles were published under the CMU-Cambridge University Press agreement during the month of August:
- Arun Kumar Kuchibhotla, “Uniform-in-Submodel Bounds for Linear Regression in a Model Free Framework,” Econometric Theory.
Summary of all CUP agreement articles supported in FY ’21-’22.