June 2021

This monthly installment features information on forthcoming series of workshops from OASPA and the ACRL STS SCC, a call for volunteers to a new organization focused on translating the scholarly literature, an announcement from SCOAP3 on the approval of their Open Books Initiative, a summary from the first session of the OCLC-LIBER workshop on developing social interoperability to support research support, and the lists of the latest publications supported by the CMU Open Access Agreements and the CMU APC Fund. Read more about SCONE. For more information about the blog, or to provide a guest post, please contact, David Scherer, Scholarly Communications and Research Curation Consultant, daschere@andrew.cmu.edu.

Scholarly Communication at CMU

OAPSA Open Scholarship Webinar: Researcher Focus 1: Researcher Needs, Common Values and Practices

The Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) has recently announced a forthcoming free webinar scheduled for June 29, 2019 from 10:00-11:15am EST. This webinar is the first in a series of webinars focused on the needs of the researcher. This webinar brings together a cross-disciplinary panel of researchers to discuss what unites them in terms of their motivations and values around open research and open access, and how and if this is enabled in practice. Panelists will also be asked if their perceptions and values change based upon their role as an author, reviewer, evaluator, reader, etc. Attendees will be encouraged to interact with the session moderator and panelists. Additional details about the webinar can be found on the OASPA's webpage here. Those interested in attending this free webinar can register here.

New Scholarly Communications Volunteer Group Opportunity - Translate Science

Recently announced, a new volunteer group has formed focused on the translation of scholarly literature. Translate Science (https://translatescience.org/) is a global volunteer community and working group with a focus towards 'exchanging information, lobbying and building tools to make translations of scientific articles/reports/books, abstracts, titles and terms more accessible, and expand the production of such translations widely available.' More information about the community can be found on their Wiki page or via their blog. Those interested in joining the community can do so by contacting the moderators via email or through their social media account on Mastodon.

Archived Recording, NISO Two-Part Webinar, Meaningful Metrics, Part Two, May 12

Below are the details to access the archived recordings of the NISO May 12 webinar, 'Meaningful Metrics, Part Two.'

Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/LBikL-4d0U-Y8fsz17DLrcqhbRjZxATaocKnpoSdOUYwsnwGdk_Vb6cEkpPoKinv.C25YWhZrNtA8_DCR

Access Password: Metrics#2-May21

Please note that the above password is case-sensitive and includes all special characters.

Resources shared by our panel have been added to the NISO website: https://www.niso.org/events/2021/05/meaningful-metrics-second-two

Registration Open for the 2021 NISO Annual Members Meeting and Standards Update

Registration is now open for the 2021 NISO Annual Virtual Members Meeting and Standards Update. Scheduled to take place on Friday, June 25 from 11:00am-12:30pm EDT, this virtual meeting will feature presentations from Executive Director, Todd Carpenter, and other NISO staff about important organizational issues, including updates on progress on the 2020-22 NSIO Strategic Plan, the NISO Plus conference, the organization's finances, NISO's international engagement, and their standards program. Attendees are also encouraged to ask questions about the organization and the work of NISO. Registration for this meeting is free, and those interested in attending can register here.

Registration Open for the 2021 NISO Annual Members Meeting and Standards Update

The ACRL STS Scholarly Communication Committee will be hosting a free workshop on Tuesday, June 15 from 12:00pm-1:30pm CDT. Entitled, 'Scholarly Publishing: Journals, Journals Everywhere, But We Should Stop and Think,' will discuss the inadequacies of the current publishing model that were further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, including data management challenges, open access availability, wariness of predatory publishers, and an overwhelming abundance of information avenues which make publishing research more difficult than ever before. This workshop will bring together individuals from across five geographically separate institutions to roleplay through various cases status and examine potential decisions and choices for content creators and the value we assign to journals according to various attributes and career situations. Those interested in registering for this workshop can do so here.


Scholarly Communication in the news

SCOAP3 Governing Council (GC) Approves Open Access Books Initiative

On May 1st, the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) Governing Council announced that it had approved the recommendation for the SCOAP3 for Books initiative. First established in May 2019, the SCOAP3 for Books initiative will serve as a pilot to transition key textbooks and monographs in particle physics and neighboring fields to open access. 'Opening access to book literature in High Energy Physics will break down barriers to studying physics for all. Journal literature of importance is already part of SCOAP3's efforts, so books seemed to be the most logical next step and perhaps SCOAP3's work will inspire open book publishing in other disciplines,' says Matt Marsteller, Chair of the Executive Committee of SCOAP3. The pilot presented the recommendation to transform 102 existing books to open access, with the first books set to be transitioned to OA in the summer of 2021. Additional details about the SCOAP3 for Books initiative can be found here

Global Trends in Open Access: Themes from Africa, Asia and Latin America

In a recent Scholarly Kitchen webinar hosted by Siân Harris, Arianna Becerril García, Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou, Vrushali Dandawate spoke about global trends in open access, with particular focus upon themes from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. As Harris notes, the ways that researchers can share their findings and draw others to their research are decided 'by a small number of actors and people, often those based in the global North, at 'elite' institutions or large, commercial publishers.' Panelists presented their perspectives and experiences from Mexico, Cameroon, and India in the discussion of the themes. A summary of the discussion was recently published in a special Scholarly Kitchen post, which can be read here. A free recording of the discussion will soon be made available later this month, which will be shared in the next issue of SCONE.

DOAB and OAPEN enter into a new partnership with LYRASIS to develop its services for their U.S. partners

In a recent announcement, the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) and the OAPEN Foundation have started a new partnership with LYRASIS to jointly develop services for their U.S. partners. This partnership, similar to the partnership made last year between DOAB and Project MUSE,  will focus on establishing a pathway for U.S. institutions to support the continuing development of open infrastructure services for open access (OA) books.LYRASIS will work alongside the DOAB and OAPEN Foundations to provide access and support to LYRASIS's membership to the OAPEN Open Books Toolkit, and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB).

Summary of the first OCLC-LIBER Workshop on Social Interoperability

This last month, OCLC and LIBER collaborated in providing a three-session workshop for LIBER and OCLC Research library partnership affiliated to focus on the need for social interoperability in research support. Utilizing resources such as the 2020 OCLC Research report, 'Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-Campus Partnerships and the University Research Enterprise'and the OCLC LIBER Open Science Discussion series,  participants discussed the dependencies, practices, and challenges in developing and forming cross-institutional collaborations and partnerships among the range of stakeholders within an institution's organizational landscape. A summary of the first sessions of the workshop were prestned in a recent OCLC REsearch Blog, Hanging Together post, 'Working across campus is like herding flaming cats.' Summaries of the other two sessions will be forthcoming and made available from Hanging Together.

Open Access Updates

May Elsevier Agreement Publications

The following articles were made open access through our CMU-Elsevier Agreement in May:

  1. Marian Aguiar, Faculty, English, 'Salvaging hope: Representing the objects of Mediterranean migration,' Emotion, Space and Society.
  2. Yongxin Zhao, Faculty, Biological Sciences, 'Expansion microscopy: A powerful nanoscale imaging tool for neuroscientists,' Neurobiology of Disease.
  3. Gerad M. Freeman, Grad Student, Engineering and Public Policy, 'Could on-site fuel storage economically reduce power plant-gas grid dependence in pipeline constrained areas like New England?' The Electricity Journal.
  4. Shipra Kanjlia, Post Doc, Psychology, '‘Visual' cortices of congenitally blind adults are sensitive to response selection demands in a go/no-go task,' NeuroImage.
  5. Rudy Zhou, PhD Student, Tepper, 'The Matroid Cup Game,' Operations Research Letters.

A summary of all CMU-Elsevier agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

May ACM Agreement Publications

No ACM data was reported in time for the publication of this issue of SCONE. Data will be added to the issue once made available.

A summary of all CMU-ACM agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here

May PLoS Agreement Publications

The following articles were published with funding by the CMU-PLoS Agreement in May:

  1. Ana Van Gulick, Faculty, University Libraries, 'Data Management and Sharing: Practices and Perceptions of Psychology Researchers,' PLoS One.

  2. Yana Litovsky, Grad Student, Social and Decision Sciences, '(Mis)perception of bias in print media: how depth of content evaluation affects the perception of hostile bias in an objective news report,' PLoS One.

A summary of all CMU-PLoS agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

May Cambridge University Press Agreement Articles 

The following articles were published with funding by the CMU-CUP Agreement in May: 

  1. Philip Lamkin, Faculty, Mathematical Sciences, 'Log-concavity and log-convexity of moments of averages of i.i.d. random variables,' Canadian Mathematical Bulletin.

A summary of all CUP agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

May CMU APC Funded Articles 

The following articles were approved for funding by the CMU APC Fund in April: 

  1. *Parth Vaishnav, Faculty, Engineering and Public Policy, 'Environmental and health consequences of shore power for vessels calling at major ports in India,' Environmental Research Letters

  2. *Elisha Raeker-Jordan, Grad Student, Mechanical Engineering, High-Fidelity Wrist Fracture Phantom as a Training Tool to Develop Competency in Orthopaedic Surgical Trainees,' Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

  3. *Ihab Younis, Faculty, CMU-Qatar, 'Minor Intron Splicing from Basic Science to Disease,' International Journal of Molecular Sciences

  4. *Lisa Porter, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, 'Electrical and Chemical Analysis of Ti/Au Contacts to b-Ga2O3,' APL Materials.

  5. *Rosalyn Abbott, Faculty, Biomedical Engineering, 'The Materiobiology of Silk: Exploring the Biophysical Influence of Silk Biomaterials on Directing Cellular Behaviors,' Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology-Biomaterials.

* Indicates financial support for this APC provided by The Roger Sorrells Endowed Fund for the Engineering and Science Library, established by Dr. Gloriana St. Clair, dean emeritus of Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, in honor of her longtime life partner.

A summary of all CMU APC Fund articles funded in FY '20-'21 can be found here.


For more information about the blog, or to provide a guest post, please contact, David Scherer, Scholarly Communications and Research Curation Consultant, daschere@andrew.cmu.edu.