May 2021

This monthly installment features information on a CHORUS Forum session on open access business models, access credentials to an OAPSA webinar on using the OA Switchboard for reporting, a NISO Working group on developing best practices for updating post-publication author name identity records, a guest post from Professeur honoraire - Université de Montréal Canada, Jean-Cleaude Guédon, on immediate open green open access and publication versions, and the lists of the latest publications supported by the CMU Open Access Agreements and the CMU APC Fund. Read more about SCONE. For more information about the blog, or to provide a guest post, please contact, David Scherer, Scholarly Communications and Research Curation Consultant,

Scholarly Communication at CMU

OA Switchboard Webinar Now Available: 'Reporting Made Easy'

Last month, the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) hosted a webinar that took a practical evidence-based look at how the OA Switchboard is making reporting easier. This recorded webinar consisted of a series of short five-minute talks and use case presentations. The recording of the webinar can be viewed for free here. The Q&A from the webinar has also been transcribed and made available here.

New Open Access Business Models - What's Needed to Make them Work - A Recap of CHORUS Forum Session

In a recent guest Senior Consultant at Clarke & Esposito, David Crotty, provided a summary of a session presented during the third CHORUS Forum held earlier in the month. In this session, speakers representing four different open access business models discussed their represented models as options and the challenges faced to implement each model. Common hurdles presented plans was the need for increased data hygiene for analyzing author data, consistent usage data, and financial transparency. The full summary of the session, as well as a recording of the event can be found here.

Scholarly Communication in the news

NISO Members Approve Proposal for a New Recommended Practice to Update Author Name Changes

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announced earlier this month that their voting members had approved the formation of a new working group focused on developing recommended best practices for author name changes in academic publication records post-publication as a result of an identity change. Name changes can happen for a variety of reasons post-publication. The goal of this working group will be the creation of best practices to ensure authors reflect their current identity where, 'where changes to author names are requested, or required, not to be made public' and to reflect an open and inclusive author record.

For more information about the NISO development process for standards and recommended practices, see Creating NISO Standards.  Those interested in participating in the working group should contact


NISO Webinar Recordings to "NISO Two-Part Webinar: Meaningful Metrics, Part One, April 14" Now Available

Below are the details to access the archived recordings of the NISO April 14 webinar, 'Meaningful Metrics, Part One.'

Note: The above password is case sensitive and includes all special characters

Resources shared by our panel have been added to the NISO website:

Meaningful Metrics, Part Two will be hosted on Wednesday, May 12. Details to access this recording will be forthcoming once the event has concluded.


Guest Post by Jean-Claude Guédon: Scholarly Communication and Scholarly Publishing - A Divergence

In a recent guest post hosted by Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), Professeur honoraire - Université de Montréal Canada, Jean-Cleaude Guédon, provides a follow-up post to his previous post on the rise of immediate green open access. Guédon proposes exploring how scholarly publishing should relate to scholarly communication, rather than the continued divergence. Guédon further expands on the notion and representation of the 'version of record' as a legacy from print to the point where some processes involved in scholarly publishing are getting in the way of optimal scholarly communication, which has been further amplified during the pandemic. Guédon argues that the 'record of versions' will eventually supersede journals as the 'seat of value.'

Open Access Updates

April Elsevier Agreement Publications

The following articles were made open access through our CMU-Elsevier Agreement in April:

  1. Marian Aguiar, Faculty, English, 'Salvaging hope: Representing the objects of Mediterranean migration,' Emotion, Space and Society.
  2. Yongxin Zhao, Faculty, Biological Sciences, 'Expansion microscopy: A powerful nanoscale imaging tool for neuroscientists,' Neurobiology of Disease.
  3. Gerad M. Freeman, Grad Student, Engineering and Public Policy, 'Could on-site fuel storage economically reduce power plant-gas grid dependence in pipeline constrained areas like New England?' The Electricity Journal.
  4. Shipra Kanjlia, Post Doc, Psychology, '‘Visual' cortices of congenitally blind adults are sensitive to response selection demands in a go/no-go task,' NeuroImage.
  5. Rudy Zhou, PhD Student, Tepper, 'The Matroid Cup Game,' Operations Research Letters.

A summary of all CMU-Elsevier agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

April ACM Agreement Publications

No ACM data was reported in time for the publication of this issue of SCONE. Data will be added to the issue once made available.

A summary of all CMU-ACM agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here

April PLoS Agreement Publications

There were no articles to report during the month of April.

A summary of all CMU-PLoS agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

March CMU APC Funded Articles 

The following articles were approved for funding by the CMU APC Fund in April: 

  1. Alireza Chamanzar, Grad Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 'Abnormalities in cortical pattern of coherence in migraine detected using ultra high-density EEG,' Brain Communications.*
  2. Niles Guo, Grad Student, Engineering and Public Policy, 'Real–time feedback improves multi–stakeholder design for complex environmental systems,' Environmental Research Letters.*
  3. Luisa Hiller, Faculty, Biological Sciences, 'Competence-Associated Peptide BriC Alters Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae,' mSphere.*
  4. Costa Samaras, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, ' In-flight positional and energy use data set of a DJI Matrice 100 quadcopter for small package delivery,' Scientific Data.*
  5. Saoirse Foley, Faculty, Biological Sciences, 'Integration of 1:1 orthology maps and updated datasets into Echinobase,' DATABASE.*

* Indicates financial support for this APC provided by The Roger Sorrells Endowed Fund for the Engineering and Science Library, established by Dr. Gloriana St. Clair, dean emeritus of Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, in honor of her longtime life partner.

A summary of all CMU APC Fund articles funded in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

For more information about the blog, or to provide a guest post, please contact, David Scherer, Scholarly Communications and Research Curation Consultant,