SCONE September 2020

Information and updates supporting the creation, dissemination, use, and preservation of the research data, creative works, and other scholarly outputs that weave together the fabric of your research. Read more about SCONE. For more information about the blog, or to provide a guest post, please contact, David Scherer, Scholarly Communications and Research Curation Consultant,

Scholarly Communication at CMU

Dimensions Webinar: Advantages of the Dimensions Approach to Journal Indexing

On Wednesday, September 16, Dimensions will be hosting a webinar that will cover their approach to research output indexing has major advantages for users. The webinar will also cover how you can easily make your own journal selections using the Dimensions web app or API, and what journal lists we have included in Dimensions. The webinar will run from 10:00-10:45am EST. Those interested in the webinar can register now at this link.

Archived Recording to NISO Webinar: By Faculty and For Students: Supporting Open Educational Resources

On August 12th and 19th  NISO held a two-part webinar series on Open Access Monographs and Open Educational Resources (OERs) entitled, 'Recordings of the NISO webinar two-part series, 'By Faculty and For Students: Supporting Open Educational Resources,'

The recording of the webinars have been available, and the details to access them can be found below:

Part One

'By Faculty and For Students: Supporting Open Educational Resources, Part One'

Meeting Recording: 

Password: Aug12-PartOne

Part Two

'Open Access Monographs: What You Need To Know, Part Two'

Meeting Recording:

Access Password: $C=KN2Q1

Fall 2020  CMU Scholarly Communication Webinars

The University Libraries will be hosting a number of workshops focused on Scholarly Communications. These workshops are offered each semester on a variety of topics – are designed to help attendees learn a new skill, deepen their understanding of a specific topic, or gain exposure to an unfamiliar technology, tool, or technique.

All workshops are available at no charge and are open to Carnegie Mellon University students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. Workshops will be delivered virtually, via a Zoom link emailed to participants before the session. Seating is limited and registration is required.

  1. Getting Started with the KiltHub Repository

    7:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday, September 8, 2020

  2. Being Recognized: Managing your Author Identity and Improving your Research Communication Skills

    7:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday, September 17, 2020

  3. Making your Research and Scholarship Open and FAIR: Open Access and Research Data Management Services at CMU

    6:00pm - 7:00pm Tuesday, September 22, 2020

  4. Publishing Openly: Understanding the CMU Publishing Agreements and Applying for Funding to the CMU Article Processing Charge Fund

    7:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday, October 29, 2020

  5. Understanding Copyright and Preventing Plagiarism: Utilizing iThenticate Plagiarism Prevention Tool

    7:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday, November 5, 2020

  6. An Introduction to Symplectic Elements at CMU

    7:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday, November 12, 2020

  7. Using Overleaf at CMU: The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor

    6:00pm - 7:00pm Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Scholarly Communication in the news

Making a Difference: Assessment of the Open Access Fund at Virginia Tech

Recently published on The Scholarly Kitchen, guest author Gail McMillan discusses the assessment conducted at Virginia Tech on their Open Access Subvention Fund. After eight years of existence, the University Libraries at Virginia Tech wished to gather additional qualitative data on their Open Access Subvention Fund (OASF). Similar to the CMU APC Fund, the Virginia Tech OASF saw an increase of over expenditures on APCs that had increased over 500%, prompting the authors to question the perceptions of the fund by authors. The survey of authors showed overwhelming enthusiasm, with emphasis on the impact the OASF had on the ability of authors to make their work open.

OCLC Research Report: 'Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-Campus Partnerships and the University Research Enterprise'

OCLC has recently released a new research report entitled, 'Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-Campus Partnerships and the University Research Enterprise.' This new research report explores the social and structural norms that shape cross-campus collaboration and offers a conceptual model of key university stakeholders in research support. The need for such interoperability can be seen in the cross-institutional relationships between the UniversityLibraries, Campus HR, the Office for the Vice-President for Research, and the Registrar's office to supply data for Elements. Due to the increased holistic approaches to research information, and the current pressures created by the pandemic, cross-campus collaboration is increasingly becoming more relevant and needed. Those interested in downloading the report may do so from this link.

NISO Releases Three-Year Strategic Plan

Recently announced earlier this month, NISO has released their new three-year strategic plan. This new detailed plan will be the driving document to NISO, which will be focusing on four key themes: Diversity and Inclusion, Trendsetting, Standards Development for Content and Technology, and Community Development.


Open Access Updates

August Elsevier Agreement Publications

The following articles were made open access through our CMU-Elsevier Agreement in August:

  1. Marc De Graef, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, 'EBSD pattern simulations for an interaction volume containing lattice defects,' Ultramicroscopy
  2. Amritanshu Pandey, Faculty, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 'Robust event-driven dynamic simulation using power flow,' Electric Power Systems Research

  3. Kevin J.S. Zollman, Faculty, Dietrich, 'Signals without teleology,' Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences

  4. Pingbo Tang, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'Human reliability for safe and efficient civil infrastructure operation and maintenance – A review,' Developments in the Built Environment

  5. Qirong Zhu, Post Doc, Physics, 'A momentum-conserving N -body scheme with individual time steps,' New Astronomy

  6. Jerard Gordon, Post Doc, Materials Science and Engineering, 'Defect structure process maps for laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing,' Additive Manufacturing

  7. Marc De Graef, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, 'Indexing of electron back-scatter diffraction patterns using a convolutional neural network,' Acta Materialia

  8. Yu Chen, Student, Neuroscience Institute, 'Simulation pipeline for traffic evacuation in urban areas and emergency traffic management policy improvements (R2C1) through case studies,' Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives

  9. Destenie Nock, Faculty, Engineering and Public Policy, 'Changing the policy paradigm: A benefit maximization approach to electricity planning in developing countries,' Applied Energy

  10. Marc De Graef, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, 'Spherical indexing of overlap EBSD patterns for orientation-related phases – Application to titanium,' Acta Materialia

  11. Philip R. LeDuc, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, 'Modeling the transmittance of anisotropic diffuse radiation towards estimating energy losses in solar panel coverings,' Applied Energy

  12. Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, Faculty, Chemical Engineering, 'Industrial text analytics for reliability with derivative-free optimization,' Computers and Chemical Engineering

  13. Amit Acharya, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'Finite element approximation of finite deformation dislocation mechanics,' Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

  14. Molly Lewis, Faculty, Social and Decision Sciences, 'The role of developmental change and linguistic experience in the mutual exclusivity effect,' Cognition

  15. Jorge Izar Tenorio, Student, Engineering and Public Policy, 'Impacts of projected climate change scenarios on heating and cooling demand for industrial broiler chicken farming in the Eastern U.S,' Journal of Cleaner Production

  16. Jay Apt, Faculty, Tepper, 'What causes natural gas fuel shortages at U.S. power plants?,' Energy Policy

  17. Pingbo Tang, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'Predictive nuclear power plant outage control through computer vision and data-driven simulation,' Progress in Nuclear Energy

  18. Gregory Rohrer, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, 'High-throughput measurement of the influence of pH on hydrogen production from BaTiO3/TiO2 core/shell photocatalysts,' Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

  19. Tomasz Tkocz, Faculty, Mathematical Sciences, 'A note on the extremal non-central sections of the cross-polytope,' Advances in Applied Mathematics

  20. Elizabeth Holm, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, 'Learning the grain boundary manifold: tools for visualizing and fitting grain boundary properties,' Acta Materialia

  21. Sean Qian, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'Path-based system optimal dynamic traffic assignment: A subgradient approach,' Transportation Research Part B

  22. David Hershkowitz, Student, Computer Science, 'Reverse greedy is bad for k -center,' Information Processing Letters

  23. Maarten de Boer, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, 'Origins of thin film delamination induced by electrodeposition and processing methods to overcome it,' Thin Solid Films

  24. Pingbo Tang, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'Augmenting a Deep-Learning Algorithm with Canal Inspection Knowledge for Reliable Water Leak Detection from Multispectral Satellite Images,' Advanced Engineering Informatics

  25. Christopher R. Hepner, Student, Psychology, 'The dual origin of lexical perseverations in aphasia: Residual activation and incremental learning,' Neuropsychologia

  26. Sean Qian, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'Estimating multi-class dynamic origin-destination demand through a forward-backward algorithm on computational graphs,' Transportation Research Part C

  27. Catarina Vales, Post Doc, Psychology, 'Lumping and splitting: Developmental changes in the structure of children's semantic networks,' Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

A summary of all CMU-Elsevier agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

August ACM Agreement Publications

The following articles were made open access through our CMU-ACM Agreement in August:

  1. Zhiting Hu, Student, 'Learning from All Types of Experiences: A Unifying Machine Learning Perspective,' Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD '20)

A summary of all CMU-ACM agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here

August PLoS Agreement Publications

The following articles were made open access through our CMU-PLoS Agreement in August: 

  1. Zib Bar-Joseph, Faculty, Computational Biology, 'Inferring TF activation order in time series scRNA-Seq studies,' PLoS Computational Biology

A summary of all CMU-PLoS agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

July CMU APC Funded Articles 

The following articles were approved for funding by the CMU APC Fund in August: 

  1. Yuvraj Agarwal, Faculty, Institute for Software Research, 'Formalizing Tag-Based Metadata with the Brick Ontology,' Frontiers in Built Environment: Structural Sensing

  2. Sheng Shen, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, 'Dual-Mode Solid-State Thermal Rectification,' Nature Communications

  3. Rosalyn Abbott, Faculty, Biomedical Engineering, 'Adipose Tissue Fibrosis: Mechanisms, Models, and Importance,' International Journal of Molecular Sciences

A summary of all CMU APC Fund articles funded in FY '20-'21 can be found here.


For more information about the blog, or to provide a guest post, please contact, David Scherer, Scholarly Communications and Research Curation Consultant,