SCONE August 2020

Information and updates supporting the creation, dissemination, use, and preservation of the research data, creative works, and other scholarly outputs that weave together the fabric of your research. Read more about SCONE. For more information about the blog, or to provide a guest post, please contact, David Scherer, Scholarly Communications and Research Curation Consultant,

Scholarly Communication at CMU

One Year Anniversary of SCONE

This issue marks the one year anniversary of Scholarly Communications News: SCONE. As described in its description, 'Scholarly Communication is commonly referred to as an ever-evolving life-cycle and ecosystem. As a constantly changing field, Scholarly Communication is also representative of its own 'destiny,' as an agent of change within the practices and methods of academic scholarship and research.' Much has happened in the last year with CMU's scholarly communication initiatives. We have seen major strides toward increasing open access, further demonstrating our ongoing commitment to ensure that the university's research is open and accessible to the world. We have supported twenty-four articles through the CMU APC Fund, provided opportunities for workshops and training, and have shared the news and updates of the evolving scholarly communication landscape with our campus community. Most importantly, through groundbreaking agreements with for-profit publishers, non-profit publishers, academic societies and our partnering institutions, CMU has strived to continue changing and improving the scholarly communication ecosystem on behalf of our faculty, staff, students, and the broader global community. As Dean Webster said in his remarks in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in January, libraries will continue to champion an open future for scholarship.  The University Libraries at CMU will continue to share these future events, news, and opportunities to further expand and evolve our scholarly communication initiatives through SCONE for the years to come. Thank you for taking the time to read and engage with SCONE.

- David Scherer

SCONE Feedback Survey

August 2020 marks the one year anniversary for Scholarly Communications News: SCONE, In Scholarly Communication News, readers will find information related to Scholarly Communication in the News, Scholarly Communication at CMU, and Open Access Updates from our campus services and resources.  

In an effort to continue improving SCONE and increase its use and value, we have created an open survey for readers of SCONE to share their comments and feedback. We want to know - What have you liked? What have you not liked? What parts of the newsletter do you find most useful or most informative? What suggestions do you have to improve the newsletter? 

Please feel free to share the survey link with anyone that has used or accessed SCONE. Questions and comments about SCONE and/or this survey can be shared with David Scherer,

MDPI Notification Update

Starting this month, we will begin to receive notifications from the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) regarding accepted articles authored by CMU corresponding authors. David will use this information to contact the corresponding author to congratulate them on their article and to refer authors to the CMU APC Fund. Liaison librarians will also be Cc'd in the communication with authors. Through the Institutional Open Access Program, CMU authors will receive a 10% discount on their APCs that will be taken before the CMU APC Fund contributions.

Upcoming NISO Webinars

There are several free NISO webinars that will be available during the month of August. The details for the webinars and how to register can be found below: 

What: Seamless Access Presents Entity Categories and Attribute Bundles

When: August 10, 10.00am  - 11.00am ET

Description: Learn about the proposed categories for Seamless Access — Authentication Only, Anonymous Authorization, and Pseudonymous Authorization — in this webinar with Program Director, Heather Flanagan. Together with moderator, Jason Griffey, Director of Strategic Initiatives at NISO, she will review each of these entity categories as part of our efforts to gather community feedback during the public consultation period. RSVP using this form to receive individual joining instructions! 

What: Two-Part Webinar: By Faculty and For Students, and Open Access Monographs

When: August 12 and 19


Part One: By Faculty and For Students: Supporting Open Educational Resources (August 12) addresses how and why librarians, faculty, and others can support the creation and use of open textbooks and other resources. Confirmed speakers include Perry Collins, Scholarly Communications Librarian, University of Florida; Anita Walz, Assistant Director for Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech; and Apurva Ashok, Program Manager, Rebus Foundation. 

Part Two: Open Access Monographs: What You Need To Know (August 19), focuses on who is delivering open access monographs, what business models they are using, and how to improve discoverability. Confirmed speakers include Charles Watkinson, Director, University of Michigan Press and Associate University Librarian, Publishing, University of Michigan; Barbara K. Pope, Director, Johns Hopkins University Press; and Frances Pinter, Executive Chair of the Central European University Press and Founder of Knowledge Unlatched. 

RSVP using this form to receive individual joining instructions for one or both webinars!

Scholarly Communication in the news

Updates to OASPA

The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association recently provided an update on delivering a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the OA Switchboard Initiative. The OA Switchboard Initiative is a not-for-profit collaboration between funders, institutions and publishers to provide essential infrastructure to facilitate the fulfilment of open access strategies across business models, policies and agreements. When operational, the OA Switchboard will be a central hub connecting systems and improving open access-related article-level information exchange between authors, publishers, funders and institutions. Throughout 2020, a project (overseen by OASPA, funded through a sponsorship model) is being run to prepare for the OA Switchboard to go live as an operational solution. When the OA Switchboard moves to an operational stage, following a successful 2020 project, a sustainable governance structure and funding model will be in place.

Dimensions API Trainings

Dimensions will continue to offer weekly webinar sessions to provide additional information about the DImensions API. Each session is a combination of 30 minutes training on a specific topic, followed by 30 minutes ‘office hour' style Q&A where Michele Pasin, Simon Porter and others are available to answer questions on how to solve use cases with the API plus provide tips and guidance as required. 

The webinars will be:

  • August 06, 'Organization benchmarking with the API' 
  • August 13, 'Building an Organization's Collaboration Network Diagram' 
  • August 20, 'Exploring Domestic and International Collaboration Patterns with the Dimensions API'
  • August 27, 'Best Practices for getting researchers data from the API'

Those interested in attending the sessions can register here.  Users interested in accessing recordings or resources associated with previous sessions can find them in this Google sheet which Dimensions will keep updating as the webinars progress.

Dimensions for the Library Webinar - Client Only Webinar

Dimensions will be hosting a 'Client-Only' webinar entitled, 'Dimensions for the Library' on August 13, 2020. This webinar will be offered at several times throughout the day to accommodate schedules: 

  1. 9am-10am EDT (GMT-4) - Register here
  2. 2pm-3pm EDT (GMT-4) - Register here
  3. 7pm-8pm EDT (GMT-4) - Register here

This webinar will showcase how Dimensions can be used by the University Libraries, including:

  • Informing strategic collection development decisions
  • Investigating Open Access trends
  • Assisting researchers with discovery and analysis

Attendees will also have an opportunity to engage with Dimensions support during an open Q&A period dedicated to answering customer questions.

Empowering Author Engagement Through Dimensions

On September 2 at 11:00am EDT, Dimensions will be providing a one-hour webinar on engaging with authors through Dimensions. 

When: Wednesday, September 2, 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

Description: As recent worldwide events push the publisher landscape towards Open Access (OA) models even faster, it's becoming mission-critical for publishers to focus on author engagement activities. Now, it's more important than ever to know who your most prominent and most loyal authors are, to nurture them, and to always be on the lookout for new researchers emerging in your subject (and related) areas.

Register for the event here.

Additionally, Dimensions has made two additional on-demand workshops available: 

  1. Using Dimensions to make strategic collection development decisions (Slides available upon request)
  2. Using Dimensions publication and grants data to validate transformative agreements

Clarke & Esposito Brief

The July issues of the Clarke & Esposito Brief (#24: End of an Era) is now available. Topics covered in this month brief included: 

  • Related to the title of this month's brief, HighWire Press was sold to MPS for $7.1 million USD, which was a much lower value than earlier assessments of the press. 
  • Updates to cOAlition S (more below) 
  • The European Research Council announces as the latest funder to pull out of Plan S. 
  • Jennifer Doudna presents in The Economist a review of argues that 'science and its practice seem to be undergoing rapid and perhaps permanent changes. Three ways that the pandemic is shaking up the scientific status quo include public respect for science, how discoveries are communicated and the norms of collaboration. After COVID-19, science will never be the same.'

The full issue can be read here. Those wishing to subscribe to The Brief can do so here. Additionally, The Brief can now be found as a Twitter Feed, the Briefer Yet.

Plan S Rights Retention Strategy

As sent around through the University Libraries by Keith Webster earlier this month, cOAlition S provided an update on the recently developed, 'Rights Retention Strategy' to safeguard researchers' intellectual ownership rights and suppress unreasonable embargo periods. Publishers commonly require authors to sign exclusive publishing agreements which restrict what authors can do with their research findings, including making articles Open Access in line with their funders' requirements. The hope of this new rights retention strategy is to provide authors with options to comply with the requirements of funders with options for open access compliance to share the Author's Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version of their work openly under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence or equivalent, without any embargo in an institutional repository, such as KiltHub. While cOAlition S is primarily based in Europe, there could be future iterations of this plan that could be adopted with US Funders and authors.


Open Access Updates

July Elsevier Agreement Publications

The following articles were made open access through our CMU-Elsevier Agreement in July:

  1. Zach Branson, Faculty, Statistics and Data Science, 'Ridge rerandomization: An experimental design strategy in the presence of covariate collinearity,' Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
  2. Robert D. Tilton, Faculty, Biomedical Engineering, 'Interfacial Dilatational Rheology as a Bridge to Connect Amphiphilic Heterografted Bottlebrush Copolymer Architecture to Emulsifying Efficiency,' Journal of Colloid And Interface Science
  3. Marc De Graef, Faculty, Materials Science and Engineering, 'c -Axis orientation determination of α -titanium using Computational Polarized Light Microscopy,' Materials Characterization
  4. Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, Faculty, Chemical Engineering, 'A deep reinforcement learning approach for chemical production scheduling,' Computers and Chemical Engineering
  5. Yining He, Student, Tepper, 'A study of microstructure and cracking behavior of H13 tool steel produced by laser powder bed fusion using single-tracks, multi-track pads, and 3D cubes,' Journal of Materials Processing Tech
  6. Amit Acharya, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'Plasticity without phenomenology: A first step,' Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
  7. Amit Acharya, Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 'A unification of finite deformation J 2 Von-Mises plasticity and quantitative dislocation mechanics,' Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
  8. Shawn Litster, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, 'On the origin of deactivation of reversal-tolerant fuel cell anodes under voltage reversal conditions,' Journal of Power Sources
  9. Jay Whitacre, Faculty, Engineering and Public Policy, 'The economic end of life of electrochemical energy storage,' Applied Energy
  10. Philip R. LeDuc, Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, 'Comparing View Factor modeling frameworks for the estimation of incident solar energy,' Applied Energy
  11. Matt Smith, Faculty, Biomedical Engineering, 'Slow drift of neural activity as a signature of impulsivity in macaque visual and prefrontal cortex,' Neuron

A summary of all Elsevier agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here.

July ACM Agreement Publications

The following articles were made open access through our CMU-ACM Agreement in June:

  1. Cole Gleason, Student, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, 'Future research directions for accessible social media' ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing
  2. Brian Leonard, Student, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, 'Optimizing a Specialized Convolutional Neural Network in a Supercomputing Environment Using Tensorflow and VisIt,' PEARC '20: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing
  3. Kathy Benninger, Staff, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, 'Cyberinfrastructure of a Multi-Petabyte Microscopy Resource for Neuroscience Research,' PEARC '20: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing
  4. Zhuyun Dai, Student, Language Technologies Institute, 'Summarizing and Exploring Tabular Data in Conversational Search,' SIGIR '20: Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
  5. Zhuyun Dai, Student, Language Technologies Institute, 'Context-Aware Term Weighting For First Stage Passage Retrieval,' SIGIR '20: Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
  6. Dimitrios-Georgios Akestoridis, Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 'Zigator: analyzing the security of zigbee-enabled smart homes,' WiSec '20: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks

A summary of all ACM agreement articles supported in FY '20-'21 can be found here

July PLoS Agreement Publications

There were no articles made Open Access through our CMU-PLoS Agreement during the month of July.

July CMU APC Funded Articles 

The following articles were approved for funding by the CMU APC FUnd in July 2020: 

  1. Madhavi Ganapathiraju, Faculty, Language Technologies Institute, 'A catalog of all DNA Palindromes in human genome and their variations in 1000 Genomes' Human Genome Variation

  2. Yoshimasa Masuda, Research Scientist, Language Technology Institute, 'Adaptive Enterprise architecture for the Digital Healthcare Industry: A Sustainable Platform for Drug Development' Journal of Sustainability

A summary of all articles funded in FY '20-'21 can be found here.