SCONE September 2019

Scholarly Communication in the News

Computer Science Could Learn A Lot From Library And Information Science

Kalev Leetaru presents an opinion piece about the contrast between how computer science and library and information science view/teach data privacy and information behavior.

The Radical Transformation of the Textbook

Brian Barrett discusses the changing landscape of textbooks to a digital environment with a focus on the changing financial models focused towards affordability.

The Push to Replace Journal Supplements with Repositories

Diana Kwon presents the reasons why authors are turning to alternative solutions, like institutional repositories, to share journal supplements. Thank you to Matt Masteller for sharing.

PROJEKT DEAL and Springer Nature Agree to a Transformative Open Access Agreement

Springer Nature joins Wiley as the second major publisher to reach a deal with Projekt DEAL for a transformative open access agreement. Projekt DEAL is a consortium of university libraries and research institutes in Germany, negotiating large deals with e-journal publishing houses. The two-part agreement with Springer Nature will encompass a fully open access (OA) element and a ‘publish and read' (PAR) element and will run from 2020 to 2022 with an option to extend to 2023.

Scholarly Communication at CMU

Fall Workshops Now Scheduled

Fall Workshops have been scheduled for Elements, Overleaf, iThenticate, RDM-Scholarly Communications, APC Funding, and KiltHub. The dates and times of each workshop are listed below: 

Updates to Dimensions

The API to Dimensions was recently updated to v1.18. You can view the documentation for the API here. There are also several developments in the works for Dimensions, including updates to full data search, and search based on GRID identifiers. A full summary of the developments can be seen here.

Open Access Updates

August APC Funded Articles 

The Following Articles were approved for Funding in August: 

  1. Joel McManus, Biological Sciences, 'Impacts of uORF codon identity and position on translation regulation,' Nucleic Acids Research
  2. Mike Tarr, Faculty, Psychology, 'The Relative Contributions of Visual and Semantic Information in the Neural Representation of Object Categories,' Brain and Behavior

Summary of FY 19-20 

A Summary of all articles funded in FY '19-'20 can be found here