Data & Code Support

Scottish terrier sitting at a computer

We offer support for open source coding languages and data science tools for anyone in the CMU community working on research, class projects, or simply learning a new skill.


What Can We Help You With?

  • Cleaning and preparing data for analysis in Python and R
  • Writing code in Python and R and fixing errors in code
  • Viewing, handling, and manipulating files on your computer and automating tasks with the command line interface
  • Creating, or working with, relational databases and querying data with SQL
  • Version control and collaboration with Git and GitHub
  • Text and qualitative data analysis with open source tools

If you think you may need multiple appointments to work through your data problem, we ask that you please start this process by booking one initial appointment. This will allow us to evaluate your needs with you, and refer you to the best person(s) or team to help with your questions.

Please review our Terms of Use before booking a consultation [.pdf].


In Person and Virtual Consultations

We offer in person and virtual consultations throughout the day. Book an appointment with a Data & Code Support Team member below.


Have A Quick Question?

Fill out our Data Services & Publishing form and we'll get back to you within 24-48 hours.


Additional Resources

Visit our Data & Code Support Guide to learn about additional support for working with Python, R, and data science tools. Instructors can find resources for teaching on these topics on our Data & Code Support Menu. CMU Libraries also provides a wide range of Data Services beyond code support.


Data & Code Support Team
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Kristen Scotti, Open Science Postdoctoral Associate

Python, R, SQL, Unix/Linux Shell

In-Person Consultation

Virtual Consultation

Di Yoong, Social Sciences Librarian

R, Git/Github

In-Person Consultation

Virtual Consultation

Alfredo Gonzalez-Espinoza, Research Data Services Librarian

Python, Unix/Linux Shell, Julia, SQL

In-Person Consultation

Virtual Consultation

Chasz Griego, STEM Librarian

Python, GitHub

In-Person Consultation

Virtual Consultation

Emma Slayton, Data Education Librarian


In-Person Consultation

Virtual Consultation

Sarah Young, Social Sciences Librarian & Director, Evidence Synthesis Program

R, GitHub, OpenRefine

In-Person Consultation

Virtual Consultation


Primary Contact(s)



Manage Information & Data

Work with our specialists to evaluate, select, and implement the tools to organize your data and keep your project on track.