At Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, we celebrate the many contributions of the faculty and staff who make the Libraries the destination for scholarly information, creative inquiry, and intellectual collaboration across disciplines, propelling the significance, reach, and impact of the university.
Open Science Program Director and Librarian Melanie Gainey was an invited speaker at an event hosted by Penn Libraries called “A Lecture Circus: an academic exercise in interdisciplinary discourse and discovery!” She spoke about the implementation and assessment of an end-to-end Open Science program.
Library Associate Dom Jebbia co-authored a paper "On Image Quality Metadata, FAIR in ML, AI-Readiness and Reproducibility: Fish-AIR example" that was published in Biodiversity Information Science and Standards.
Principal Librarian Sarah Young attended the Cochrane Colloquium in London in September. The Colloquium is the flagship conference for Cochrane, the leading organization for the production of systematic reviews and evidence synthesis methods guidance in health and medicine. She co-presented two workshops on the use of R in evidence synthesis workflows, and three posters about collaborative projects including a new R package and Shiny App called CiteSource, a recently launched online course for systematic reviews and meta-analysis in social science, and a project related to a scoping review on the use of AI and machine learning for predicting chronic kidney disease progression — a collaboration with Rema Padman (faculty) and Saba Al-Sayouri (postdoctoral fellow) from Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy. The posters can be found in KiltHub.
Operations Manager Blair Dunckel has been selected by the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) for the 2023–24 Emerging Leaders Program. Dunckel is one of 73 business officers across the country accepted into the program, which is designed for mid-level managers who want to advance their careers in higher education business and finance. Through April 2024, the group will work to enhance their leadership skills, examine business models and financial communications strategies, and build their professional network.