Faculty and Staff Achievements: January 2023

Trophy winners on stage

At Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, we celebrate the many contributions of the faculty and staff who make the Libraries the destination for scholarly information, creative inquiry, and intellectual collaboration across disciplines, propelling the significance, reach, and impact of the university.

Julia CorrinUniversity Archivist Julia Corrin was invited to participate in the international Collections as Data: State of the Field and Future Directions working meeting in Vancouver, Canada. The Collections as Data project is supported by the Mellon Foundation.

Emily DavisProject Archivist Emily Davis recently completed the Community Archives Workshop (CAW) Training of Trainers (TOT) program. Along with seven other new trainers, Davis then co-led a successful CAW in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Queer History Project (PQHP). During the CAW, which took place prior to the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) annual conference, 45 volunteers cataloged 145 items from the PQHP collection and learned how to digitize VHS videotapes.

Ryan SplendaLibrarian Ryan Splenda published an article titled, "Migrating the Tepper School of Business to the Symplectic Elements Research Information Management System" in the most recent issue of the journal “Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review.”

Jill ChisnellSenior Librarian Jill Chisnell has been elected Vice-Chair/Chair Elect (2023-2024) of the Ohio Valley chapter of ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America).

Feature image: "Trophy winners on stage" (c. 1968) Digital Collections, General Photograph Collection.