At Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, we celebrate the many contributions of the faculty and staff who make the Libraries the destination for scholarly information, creative inquiry, and intellectual collaboration across disciplines, propelling the significance, reach, and impact of the university.
Entrepreneurship Librarian Jimmy McKee was awarded the 2022 Subject Librarian of the Year Award. The award, selected by the American Energy Society (AES) editorial board, recognizes subject librarians who make outstanding contributions in library services. AES is particularly interested in those working to promote energy and sustainability literacy.
English and Drama Liaison Librarian Ashley Werlinich and McKee recently presented a Lightning Talk at EntreLib's International Conference. The talk (“Arts X Entrepreneurship: A Framework to Support Creatives”) discussed their initial aims to enhance the CMU innovation ecosystem through a rollout of various projects, workshops, and library resources that unite arts and entrepreneurship.
Archivist Katherine Barbera participated in a panel at the Texas Robotics Symposium in Austin, Texas on November 3. Her presentation highlighted the results of Phase 1 of The Robotics Project. Her visit was hosted by the Living and Working with Robots team at The University of Texas at Austin.
Barbera (in absentia) and Oral History Production Assistant David Bernabo presented at the Oral History Association annual meeting in Los Angeles, California on October 22. Their presentation, titled "It Takes People to Make a Scene: The Unfolding of Organic Arts Communities in Pittsburgh in the 1970s and 1980s," looked at the process of storifying oral history for the Cut Pathways podcast.
Archivist Library Associate Dom Jebbia presented a paper on AI and metadata infrastructure at the 16th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research at University College London in the United Kingdom. The paper demonstrated a proof-of-concept case study utilizing Resource Description Framework (RDF) as an approach to restructure relational databases for flexible, extensible metadata pipelines while also providing knowledge graphs for computational scientists. The proceedings will be published by Springer Nature.
Jebbia also co-authored a paper for the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2022). The article, “Metadata Verification: A Workflow for Computational Archival Science,” details augmentation workflows using automated optical character recognition (OCR) and machine learning methods to verify biological taxons. The paper will be presented in Osaka, Japan later in December and made available in the conference proceedings.
Open Science Postdoctoral Associate Chasz Griego participated in a Charleston Conference session with Emily Farrell, the Director of Open Research, Americas at Taylor & Francis. Their talk was titled "Holistic Approaches to Open Science and Publishing Infrastructures: Case Studies from Carnegie Mellon University and F1000," and discussed the similarities between the open science supporting infrastructures of the Open Science and Data Collaborations Program at CMU and the F1000 publishing model at Taylor & Francis. They addressed what has been working, challenges they are facing, and what's next for both CMU and Taylor & Francis. This collaborative talk was inspired by the CMU OSDC publishing their paper in F1000.
On November 14, Director of Development Morgan Walbert completed the 2021-22 CMULead Program, a six-month program designed to "prepare talented and dedicated staff to take on leadership roles that will ensure Carnegie Mellon University is in good hands well into the future." Also participating were IDeATe Assistant Dean Kelly Delaney and Entertainment Technology Center Director of Marketing and Admissions Rebecca Lombardi.
On December 1, Principal Systems Analyst Jason Glenn presented at a webinar for the Expert Finder Systems International Forum. The webinar was titled, "Getting Answers from Your Research Information Management System: A Discussion of Reporting Use Cases." He presented the model that CMU Libraries is using to drive adoption of Elements, and showed how we are leveraging this adoption model to identify Research Information Management Systems (RIMS) reporting needs across campus.
Associate Dean for Faculty and Principal Librarian Matthew Marsteller is wrapping up a three-term (total of six years) membership on the Executive Committee of the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3). For the last three years (2020 through 2022) he was the chair of the Executive Committee. The original mission of SCOAP3 was to convert particle physics journal literature to Open Access, and the organization felt that they made as much progress with that as was possible. So, Marsteller helped lead the efforts to open up book literature in particle physics as well. SCOAP3 for Books has had a tremendously successful pilot.