We celebrate the many contributions of the Libraries’ faculty and staff who make the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries the destination for scholarly information, creative inquiry and intellectual collaboration across disciplines, propelling the significance, reach and impact of the university.
Library Associate Dom Jebbia was selected as a LEADING fellow contributing to the NSF Imagenomics effort through Biological Graph Neural Network (BGNN) enhancement of biodiversity image metadata pipelines with the Tulane University Biodiversity Research Institute (TUBRI). The LIS Education and Data Science Integrated Network Group (LEADING), is a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian (LB21) National Digital Infrastructures and Initiatives project, supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The LEADING project scales-up the highly successful LEADS-4-NDP initiative and prepares a diverse, nation-wide cohort of 50 LIS doctoral students and early to mid-career librarians for data science endeavors.
Senior Librarian/ Co-Director for Open Science & Data Collaborations Huajin Wang, Librarian Melanie Gainey, Principal Librarian Sarah Young, and Institutional Repository Specialist Katie Behrman, and former Project Coordinator for the Open Science and Data Collaborations Patrick Campbell, published their paper "Implementation and assessment of an end-to-end Open Science & Data Collaborations program" on F1000Research. In this paper the authors report the unique end-to-end model of open science program at CMU that supports the entire research life cycle. A preliminary assessment metrics framework was developed to evaluate the impact of the program activities.