Tartan Datascapes February 2022: Love Data Week at CMU Libraries, February 14th-18th! With Animal Crossing!

Image of a heart made of binary code.

Hello Datascapers! It’s my favorite time of the year: International Love Data Week is rapidly approaching us and we’ll be locally celebrating it at CMU Libraries from February 14th - 18th! Love Data Week is celebrated by libraries, research centers, and other data organizations across the world each year as a week dedicated to promoting good practices around collecting, analyzing, organizing, and sharing data. At CMU Libraries, we like to take a unique approach to celebrate Love Data Week each year and engage you, our CMU community, with many ways to learn about the unique sources of data around you and celebrate this momentous week. Settle in, and keep reading for more information on the virtual and in-person events and engagement that we have planned for you during Love Data Week, both on our Pittsburgh and Qatar campus locations!

First, for the Pittsburgh campus, we have a whole slate of fun workshops (both virtual and in-person) planned for the week, including data management and data visualization basis, data arts and crafts, writing fanfiction, and learning how to craft excellent filenames for your data through 1980s album covers! On our website’s official announcement for Love Data Week, you can find a complete list of these workshops with clickable links that will take you directly to registration. Space is limited, so register soon!

If you’re a Datascaper on our CMU-Q campus, not only can you attend our virtual workshops hosted by the Pittsburgh campus, but you can also attend some fun in-person events! See below for a list of these events (all in local Doha time), and feel free to contact Jasmine Kirby (Instruction & Engagement Librarian at CMU-Q Libraries) with any questions!

  1. February 13th 1:00-2:20: Data Arts and Crafts
  2. February 14th and 15th, during CMU-Q library hours: Blind Date with a Book - stop by the CMU-Q Libraries front desk or email us to learn more!
  3. February 16th 1:00-2:20: Love Data Week Reception

And, as our Data, Gaming, and Popular Culture Librarian and one of our many resident gamers, I love to use games to promote Love Data Week. Similar to last year, I had a lot of fun creating some custom clothing and flag designs in Animal Crossing: New Horizons which I’d love to share with those in our community who are playing this game! To download these designs, you can either go to your Able Sisters shop or access the Custom Designs Portal through your NookPhone, and enter my creator code “MA-6005-3774-5644“ and look under “Pro Designs.” I’ve also included screenshots below for accessing these designs! Check out the CMU Libraries Twitter account for more fun Animal Crossing action during Love Data Week!

The Custom Design information for the hoodie titled “#LoveDataPgh,” which has the design code “MO-L2YK-5HHR-S532.”
The Custom Design information for the hoodie titled “#LoveDataPgh,” which has the design code “MO-L2YK-5HHR-S532.”

The Custom Design information for the t-shirt titled “Love Data Week 2022,” which has the design code “MO-P9WM-X24P-SHD2.”
The Custom Design information for the t-shirt titled “Love Data Week 2022,” which has the design code “MO-P9WM-X24P-SHD2.”

The Custom Design information for the handheld flag design titled “CMU LDW Flag,” which has the design code “MO-FW7D-CGVT-LYN6.”
The Custom Design information for the handheld flag design titled “CMU LDW Flag,” which has the design code “MO-FW7D-CGVT-LYN6.”

The Custom Design information for the balloon-hem dress titled “Love Data Week ‘22,” which has the design code “MO-VVRD-VJMV-NQT1.”
The Custom Design information for the balloon-hem dress titled “Love Data Week ‘22,” which has the design code “MO-VVRD-VJMV-NQT1.”

Finally, we’ll be tabling in Hunt Library on February 14th from 11-1pm EST and Sorrells Library on February 15th from 11-1pm EST (both near the Circulation desk areas), so stop by and grab some Love Data Week swag in the form of stickers, candy, and fun data pins!

Have any questions for us about the upcoming Love Data Week events? Email us at data@cmu.libanswers.com!

Written by Hannah Gunderman, Data, Gaming, and Popular Culture Librarian

Feature image by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

Animal Crossing