We are excited to announce that Phase 2 of the renovation of the Sorrells Engineering & Science Library will take place over the coming winter break. This responds to very strong feedback from students who acclaimed the first phase of work, completed in 2013, with requests for additional study and collaboration spaces. Planned with student and faculty input, the new Sorrells design will provide a variety of spaces to support learning needs, including:
- 320 study spaces, an increase of 25% on the present layout
- added group study and project rooms
- individual study carrels
- ‘The Den,’ a meeting, display, and discussion space
- additional power outlets and furniture
- new lighting, HVAC, and interior finishes
To accommodate the renovations, Sorrells Library will close at 6pm on Friday, December 16, and is scheduled to reopen Tuesday, January 17 at 8am.