Advanced Mendeley

Mendeley Workshop

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Do you want to:

1) learn how Mendeley can help you annotate and tag your documents?

2) use Mendeley for collaboration or share your data?

3) network with other researchers?

4) see who's reading your research, downloading your paper, or compare yourself with colleagues?

Then this workshop is for you!

Who should attend?  Anyone with basic knowledge of Mendeley futures.

What will be covered?

> reviewing documents: highlighting, annotating, tagging, etc.

> groups: creatiing and working in groups.

> finding experts and their publications.

How do I prepare for this workshop?

> Bring a laptop with access to Mendeley Online and your Desktop [you should have Downloaded Mendeley Desktop & already have Mendely account that uses your Andrew ID.


Wednesday, November 9, 3-4 pm

Monday, November 14, 9-10 am

Presenter: Ethan Pullman

Sign up at
